
How can I access the records of the Director-General of UN Geneva?

The records of the Office of the Director-General (ODG) of UN Geneva constitute an important part of the Archives.

These records include all core functions of the ODG and contain records related to monitoring the implementation of the work plan of the Office and coordinating the Director-General’s activities; maintaining liaison with permanent missions, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations and facilitating their participation in United Nations activities; carrying out protocol and liaison functions with the authorities of the host country and advising and assisting the Geneva Diplomatic Committee in its work; arranging consultations among heads of specialized agencies and UN programmes at Geneva; cooperating with regional organizations, undertaking in-depth analyses on regional and international security and political issues; assisting the Director-General on all legal matters, and liaising with the host country and other authorities concerning privileges and immunities and other questions affecting United Nations agreements.

Most of these records are restricted. Access and consultation to the records are regulated through a case by case approval process. We advise you to ask an archivist for more detailed information.


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Last Updated: Apr 29, 2020  Views: 43

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