
How can I access the archives of Gunnar Myrdal, the first Executive Secretary of UNECE?

Gunnar Myrdal, Professor of International Economics, Sweden's Minister of Commerce and Nobel prize laureate in 1974, was UNECE’s first Executive Secretary from 1947 to 1957, and left his files and records from this period to UN Geneva Archives.

For more information please see: Archival Report on the Private Correspondence of Gunner Myrdal, First Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economy Commission for Europe.

These records are not restricted and therefore our clients have full access to them. To this day the files and records of Gunnar Myrdal are not available online. Therefore, we advise our clients to ask an archivist to be provided with more detailed practical information on how to access these files.


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Last Updated: Apr 29, 2020  Views: 90

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