
Can I request access to restricted records or records less than 20 years old?

Archives over 20 years old are generally open to the public for research, unless the classification level of Strictly Confidential (or related) applies. 

  • If you are seeking access to records less than 20 years old and/or classified, there is a process whereby such requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, subject to the written consent of the originating office. 
  • Requests for access must be made in writing to the UN Archives Geneva.  
  • As the process requires the review and consent of Secretariat departments, researchers should allow sufficient time for a decision to be reached. 

We advise our clients to ask an archivist to be provided with more detailed practical information on how to access restricted records and records less than 20 years old.


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Last Updated: Jul 11, 2023  Views: 44

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