Where can I find documents on fissile materials?

You can find official documents on fissile materials issued by the Conference on Disarmament, or other UN bodies, through the links below:

Here is also a list of relevant documents on fissile materials, compiled by UNODA Geneva (last updated 25 January 2016): 



24 March 1995
Shannon report
30 March 1995
Canada: transmitting papers of a workshop held in Toronto, 16-19 January 1995
4 April 1995
Canada: transmitting a publication on verification
22 January 1997
USA: Statement by President Clinton
21 January 1998
Canada: Working paper on an Ad Hoc Committee on an FMCT
28 January 1998
USA: Statement from the President
3 February 1998
Draft Decision on the establishment of an ad hoc committee
28 May 1998
Report of a seminar on FMCT held in Geneva, 11-12 May 1998
11 June 1998
Sweden: Joint declaration
31 July 1998
Algeria: proposal under agenda item 1
11 August 1998
Decision on the establishment of an ad hoc committee under agenda item 1
11 August 1998
Statement by the President following adoption of CD/1547
12 August 1998
Statement by the G21
12 August 1998
Austria: Statement by the Foreign Minister
18 August 1998
The Philippines: Statement by the Foreign Minister
1 September 1998
Report of the ad hoc committee under agenda item 1
18 March 1999
Working paper: elements of an approach to dealing with stocks of fissile materials
19 August 1999
Japan: Report of the Tokyo Forum
6 September 1999
Finland: Declaration by the EU on fissile materials
25 May 2000
Mexico: portion of text adopted at the 2000 NPT RevCon
28 May 2002
South Africa: Working paper: possible scope and requirements of the FMCT
23 August
Addendum to CD/1671
19 June 2002
The Netherlands: Summary of an informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 7 June 2002
3 September 2002
Ireland: paper submitted by the NAC to the First PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon
13 January 2003
The Netherlands: Summary of a second informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 25 September 2002
26 May 2003
The Netherlands: Summary of a fourth informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 4 April 2003
26 May 2003
New Zealand: paper submitted by the NAC to the Second PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon
17 June 2003
UK: Working paper submitted to the Second PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon
19 August 2003
Japan: Working paper on a FMCT treaty
9 October 2003
The Netherlands: Summary of a fifth informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 26 September 2003
31 December 2003
Italy: EU strategy against proliferation of WMD
7 May 2004
The Netherlands: Summary of a sixth informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 2 April 2004
10 June 2005
The Netherlands: Common position of the EU to the 2005 NPT RevCon
27 June 2005
Malaysia: Working paper by the NAM to the 2005 NPT RevCon
4 May 2006
Canada: Elements of an Approach to Dealing With Stocks of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices
12 May 2006
Switzerland: A Pragmatic Approach to the Verification of a FMCT
15 May 2006
Italy: Banning the Production of Fissile Material to Prevent Catastrophic Nuclear Terrorism
15 May 2006
Italy: FMCT’s Entry Into Force: Possible Options
16 May 2006
Japan: FMCT: A Contribution to Constructive Discussions
17 May 2006
Australia: Suggestions for Progressing the FMCT
19 May 2006
USA: Draft Mandate for an Ad Hoc Committee on a FMCT
19 May 2006
22 May 2006
USA: White Paper on a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty
9 May 2006
Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the Prohibition of the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or other Nuclear Explosive Devices - compilation prepared by the Secretariat
6 February 2007
Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the Prohibition of the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or other Nuclear Explosive Devices - compilation prepared by the Secretariat
21 March 2007
Canada: An FMCT Scope - Verification Arrangement
16 August 2007
Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2007 session
15 August 2008
Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2008 session
15 December 2009
Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7
15 December 2009
The Netherlands and Japan: draft for discussion prepared by the international panel on fissile materials: a treaty banning the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, with article-by-article explanations”
14 June 2010
Brazil: Proposal on the structure of a FMCT
14 September 2010
Australia, Working paper, Suggestions for the substance of the FMCT
14 September 2010
Australia, Working paper, Outline of possible verification provisions of the FMCT
14 March 2011
Chair’s report of the Australia-Japan expert’s side event on FMCT definitions, held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 14-16 February 2011
27 May 2011
Chair’s report of the Australia-Japan experts side event on FMCT verification, held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 21-23 March 2011
9 June 2011
Working Paper - Bulgaria, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on FMCT
2 September 2011
Report of Mr. Akio Suda, Ambassador of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament and Chair of the “Japan-Australia Experts Side Event on FMCT Verification” held at the Palais des Nations on 30 May and 1 June 2011
7 September 2011
Reports of the five Coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2011 session on agenda items 1 to 7
12 September 2011
The 2011 Australia-Japan FMCT Experts Side Events: Chairs’ Final Report, Mr. Peter Woolcott, Ambassador of Australia and Mr. Akio Suda, Ambassador of Japan
13 September 2011
Letter dated 2 September 2011 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the United States of America addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting a press release issued by the Department of State of the United States of America regarding the P-5 consultations on a fissile material cut-off treaty (FMCT) held in Geneva on 30 August 2011
26 June 2012
Letter dated 25 June 2012 from the Permanent Representatives of Germany and the Netherlands to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the report of the meeting of scientific experts on technical issues related to a fissile material cut-off treaty (FMCT), held in Geneva on 29 and 30 May 2012
13 September 2012
Letter dated 11 September 2012 from the Permanent Representatives of the Netherlands and Germany to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the report of the second meeting of scientific experts on technical issues related to a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices based on resolution 66/44 of the General Assembly of the United Nations, held in Geneva on 28 and 29 August 2011
25 August 2014
Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session
9 April 2015
Letter dated 9 April 2015 from the Permanent Representative of France to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting a draft Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices prepared by the Government of France
22 June 2015
Letter dated 22 June 2015 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the report of the Group of governmental Experts established by resolution 67/53 to make recommendations on possible aspects that could contribute to but not negotiate a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
1 July 2015
Working Paper - Canada - Considering verification implications of fissile material definitions and of fissile material categories for future treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
1 July 2015
Working Paper - Canada - Questions to stimulate discussion of the elements of a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
27 July 2015
Working Paper - Australia - Protection of sensitive information under FMCT verification.
27 July 2015
Working Paper - Australia - Fissile material types potentially relevant to FMCT verification
24 August 2015
Working Paper - Pakistan - Elements of a Fissile Material Treaty (FMT)
15 September 2017
Federal Republic of Germany: transmitting a report of the discussions on agenda items 1 and 2 with general focus on the ban of the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices and a report of the discussions on agenda item 4 on effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons
  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2019
  • Views 115
  • Answered By Carla Bellota

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